
But Wait... There's More

By Joanne Kiley posted 02-04-2016 14:12


This past week members filled the discussion groups with tools talk. Members sought litigation support tools and the right CRM while others shared information on many legal project management tools. Explore curated sources on these topics including some from ILTA’s treasure chest.

Litigation Support Tools

ILTA offers information on the types of tools available for data collection from mobile devices in the webinar, “Mobile Device Collection: More Than Just a Phone,” and in the white paper, “Challenges and Tips for E-Discovery in the Cloud.” Once you collect the data, “E-Discovery Update: 7 Tips to Preserve, Review Mobile Device Data” will assist with ESI management. The capabilities of the tools used by an organization’s litigation support team highlight the vast amount of discoverable data – a great training opportunity on security and data management for an organization, as suggested in the fall 2015 Peer to Peer, “You Can Discover WHAT on My Device?!!” and the ILTACON 2015 session, “To Share or Not to Share: The Debate Over Disclosure of E-Discover Protocols.”

The LPM Matrix

When considering starting or updating a legal project management program, review the Project Management and Legal Project Management Tools Matrix compiled by Mandy Lucas and her ILTA peers. It lists the capabilities of LPM tools from many vendors.

The Right CRM and the Right Implementation

Members recently discussed the strengths and weaknesses of their CRMs. Page 79 of the ILTA 2015 Technology Survey noted that 32% of respondents used Outlook followed by 28% using InterAction. The remaining respondents used over 30 different tools for managing their client contacts and client relationships. More products continue to be introduced onto the market. Sean Doherty from Above the Law advises us to first know what we want from a CRM. He then reviews the functionality of some of the products on the market in “CRM for Legal: Relationships Are Not Easy.” After selecting the right CRM, ensure that implementation goes well by heeding advice from Deb Dobson of Fisher & Phillips LLP. A summary of her presentation at LegalTech New York this week offers “6 Tips for Implementing CRM in Your Firm.” The work never ends. After implementation comes maintenance. Join the ILTA webinar on February 16th, “Tips and Tricks for Keeping Data Clean.”


SOMETHING EXTRA - Training Best Practices Once You Have Those New Tools

With new and updated tools to consider, you need a training plan for adoption and quality use of each tool. Recently ILTA member Deborah Thompson provided a blog series, “How to Develop a Training Program – Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.” Also consider “4 Learning Evaluation Models You Can Use” and #3 in the Tami Schiller’s “3 Things You Can Do to Build Your Skills in 2016.”

